I will be making my film with my friend Izzy.
Check out her blog here: http://issysmediastudies.blogspot.co.uk/
Titles: Gone
The basement
TrappedThe basement
I like these because they are short and easy to remember, they all have a mystery to them. they tell a story themselves. Revenge someone wants to get back at someone. Gone someone goes missing. They all have a horror sound to them. they sound like a horror movie which will get the target audiences attention.
Genre: The Genre will be horror because we realised how its easier to scare someone than it is to make them laugh. we also knew that its easier to set horror scene, e.g. woods, alleys basements etc.
Idea 1
Girl is at school hanging with her friends having an
ordinary day. when she gets home she sees her mum and dad, it all seems like an
ordinary day. they enjoy the rest of the day as a happy family.But on the second day she feels like shes being watched, starts seeing shadows follow her.
Girl is walking home from school, its dark and late so the streets are very quiet. When she gets home, the house is silent, she cant see her mum or dad. She walks into the living room nobody is in there, then a man creeps behind her and wraps a bag over her head. Then the screen goes black.
When she wakes up again, she is tied up in a chair in a dark small basement.
she doesn't know where she is or why she is here but she is very scared
This will get people attention because it has all the main events in a movie. and the main character has a clear objective that everyone will be wanting to see. it Also ends on a cliff hanger which gets peoples attention as well.
Idea 2
the movie starts with three teenage girls in the park, they are having fun messing about doing normal teen stuff, the shot then goes into a dark view someone is watching the girls from a bush. the girls start to walk home when they are stopped by a stranger he takes one of them and shoves her in a van.the others run to call police but then they are stopped too. they are drugged and the wake up without remembering a thing.
the other girl who was taken finds herself in a room tied up in a basement. she looks around and sees there are pictures of her and her friends on the walls. the man who took her comes in he tells her she goings to be here a while. he wants to keep her alive but trapped. he feeds her daily and gives her water, meanwhile the rest of the girls are still confused to what happened. slowly each one of them gets taken by the same men but the world doesn't know. until one girl gets out and calls the police they don't believe her until they see how most girls in that area have started to go missing. when they find the girls the kidnappers are taken away to jail. the girls still have no memory of what happened to them and their friends.
This is very mystery type film. its on a lot of cliff hangers. has good potential though.
Idea 3
young boy is out with friends, he wants to gout for longer but wants his parents permission. his house has cameras everywhere so he can check up on his phone to see if his parents are awake or not. when he checks he discovers that his parents aren't awake but dead on the dining room floor. he rushes to call the police they cant find any evidence of a killer or a killer weapon. weeks later and still no news on the murder. he decides to take matters into his owns hands. its not long until hes on a journey trying to find the killer. a lot of strange things happen, such as the police almost giving p on the case, is friends not caring about him and he feels like hes being followed. he finds the killer its his dads best friend, who is also his best friends dad and the killer is a undercover cop. when he finds out why he killed his parents its because he apparently killed his wife and wanted revenge the boy then tries to escaping but cant he traps him just as hes about to slice his throat when suddenly the boys best friend charges through and wakes his dad round the head with a baseball bat. it was him who was following him. the boys go back to normal life and lives with his best friend and his mum. they are happy but the killer is still out there and is always watching.
this is another good idea because from the start it goes into a disasters and mystery. the audience is immediately intrigued.